Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Make a Living in your Underwear

Bill finished college in May, it was a beautiful ceremony, and was the culmination of many hard years of study. So what are you going to do now? I asked him, as we were having a cup of coffee in a local cafe. Get a resume together and start looking for jobs was his reply. And that is the reply of about 99% of the people getting out of college. Its the way we are socially programmed to think, its the same thing that everybody else does. Now just because everybody else does it, doesnt necessarily make it the right thing to do. I believe that if you have a reasonable amount of intelligence and an entrepreneur spirit there are many other far better ways to make a living. People have the attitude that I need to work hard to support my family, but in my opinion its all for nothing if you only get to enjoy time with your family a small portion of your life. I dont know about you but when I am gone I dont want my kids to know me as a good provider, I want to be remembered as a good father, and I cannot be a good father when I am a serving and making another person wealthy and I am never around.


The first thing that you need to accomplish is set some goals for yourself, I cannot stress to you enough how important goals are in your life, set personal goals and spiritual goals. Goals will give you something to shoot for, write them down and read them everyday. Now dont set your goals unrealistically (ie. I want to make 20,000 a month in three months) start small young man and meet the reachable goal then set another one and meet that. Be specific in your goals and structure the steps to meet them, dont write a goal like I want to be a millionaire. We all want to be millionaires but we have to be a thousandaires first. There are plenty of books and articles on writing goals, so your first assignment or goal will be to write down a set of goals and the steps to reach them, and read them everyday, it will be your motivation to keep you on track.

Your Passion

What is your passion? What do you have or what can you create that others will pay you for? Can you create art that people would love to have hanging in their home? Can you create music that others would love to listen to? Can you write computer programs that others just cant live without? Can you make beautiful websites? Can you write informational articles? There are no limits, choose something that you are very passionate about that others will pay you for, then monetize it. At first you might have to get a job while you monetize your passion, take baby steps, start a goal to make an additional $10.00 a month with your passion, and once you meet that, bump it up to $50.00, keep this momentum going until you are able to quit your regular job and do your passion full-time, then you will be successful.


I want you all to ponder these next seven words that I am going to say. As you think, so shall you be Thoughts are things, if you think you can then you will, If you think you cant, then you wont. Get rid of your obstacles that you have conditioned yourself to believe. It drives me crazy when you hear people sabotage themselves by blaming things that have happened in the past for the reason they cannot succeed in the future. Im not smart enough, I never had a chance, I was raised in the ghetto, Im too poor, Im too short, too old, too young, enough with the excuses, quit using other people and other events for excuses why you cant do something or are unable to succeed. It is all too easy to do this, because the other choice takes a little effort and in reality the person down deep inside really doesnt want to change or improve themselves, they just want to use excuses. Think about this parable, Imagine yourself in the back of a truck riding down a dirt road. Now you are standing in the bed of this truck looking out the back and seeing the trail in the dirt from the tires, these tracks in the dirt is your past. Now think about what is moving the truck forward, it is the engine, consider the engine as the drive of yourself to improve your life or become successful. Now ask yourself does the tracks that the tires are leaving in the dirt make the truck go forward? The answer of course is NO. So enough with the excuses of things that have happened in the past, and it is now time to start moving forward.

Residual or Passive Income

When you are owned by another company, in other words trading your time for money, you only get paid while you are working. Wouldnt it be nice to make money all the time? This is the definition of passive or residual income. The simplest example of this is having money in a mutual fund drawing interest, it doesnt matter if your sleeping, eating, playing with your kids or whatever, you are always making money. This is what you must set in place to make a living and also do whatever else it is that you enjoy doing. Again going back to your passion, write a software program and put it on a web site, where people can pay for it and download it, and you will make money at all times, put some photographs on a site that people can buy, create a web site that generates a massive amount of visitors and sell your ad space. There are thousands of ways to create residual income, try them out see which one works for you. Generate multiple sites and put different items on them, get rid of the ones that dont work and keep and duplicate the ones that do.

Success and Failure

Before success comes in any mans life he is sure to meet with much temporary defeat and, perhaps, some failures. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and most logical thing to do is quit. That is exactly what the majority of men do. Napoleon Hill

Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional. Roger Crawford

Defeat never comes to anyone until they admit it. Josephus Daniels

Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. Dale Carnegie

Keep in mind if you are not failing, then you are not moving forward, so dont get discouraged, keep the strong will going and you are destined to succeed. One of the biggest fears that you will go through in your mind is I dont have anything to offer others, maybe getting a job is the best option for me. Dont fall in to this line of thinking, it is just part of the social programming that you are accustomed to. You already know that getting a job is not the option that you want to take, so dont listen to others that try and discourage you. That is crazy talk, that wont work, just get you a job. The reason there are so many people including family members that try to discourage you, is that when you try and do something different to better yourself, it makes others feel guilty, and well you have heard the old saying Misery loves Company, they try and discourage you. Learn to trust your Intuition, even if the whole world is telling you it cant be done. Years from now when you look back as a successful Work at Home entrepreneur you will thank heavens you had the intestinal fortitude to stay on the straight and narrow and become a success.

Angela Bailey lives in Houston, TX with her 4 year old son. She does freelance writing and Internet Marketing for a living. Her hobbies include Yoga, Meditation, and Cooking. Angela's Blog lists legitimate work from home opportunities go to Blog27985
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